My Blog List

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Voi fi...

Imi amintesc cum timpul, cu greu trecea in gandu-mi,
Ceasul batea-n crepuscul si nu puteam dormi
Un sentiment amar imi macina fiinta
Plangeam cu lacrimi seci, mereu in nestiinta
Nu-ntelegeam de ce s-a dus pe-un fir de apa
Tot ce simteam odata... s-a stins usor pe-o pleoapa...
Ai aparut in calea-mi, pe-o aripa de inger
A fost de-ajuns o data sa ma privesti prin fulger
Sa-mi tai respiratia tinandu-ma de mana,
Moment cand timpul iar, se-opreste si amana
Trecerea-n rutina, pentr'-o inima plapanda'
Ce-a-nvatat sa bata iar, pentru privirea-ti blanda...

Nu te opri acum, ia-ma in lumea ta
Unde vom fi doar noi si-unde pe veci vom sta
Uita de lumea toata si tine-ma in suflet
Voi fi lumina ta si-n gandu-ti un rasunet...
Te voi iubi mereu, si poti sa ma citesti
Prin ochi direct in suflet, atunci cand ma doresti...

Friday, 7 September 2012


I keep my soul from anger and pain
I open my heart to feel this rain
But I'm not sure of what future has for me
And all I want right now is everything I see
I feel uncertain and somehow lost
I've got nothing and what I hate the most
Is that feeling of fighting without knowing why
Which is more like being blind and living in a lie.

And I open my eyes over again
Hoping there is a worthy pact to gain
I keep fighting without knowing why
My temper is blocked without being shy
My anger is confusing in a cloudy dust
My mind is fighting hard with this filthy rust
For knowing answers I cannot accept
Barely I left outside those promises I kept
Someway I need to focus on my willing for surviving
And now I wonder why, I have to keep on fighting?

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


 Prin tunete constante o inima se zbate
Si-o ploaie zbuciumata in suflet parca-mi bate
Mi-e greu sa inteleg de ce acum ma-ncearca
Un sentiment ce parca gandul mi-l demasca...
Misteru-i ma-nconjoara si imi blocheaza pulsul
E ca si cum durerea,dispare-ntr-un crepuscul...
Un chip, o aratare, un om..o entitate
A aparut in calea-mi, cu-o rara abilitate...
A fost de-ajuns o data sa ma cuprinda-n brate
Ca eu sa tremur toata pe-un ac cu doua ate...
Dar ploaia mi-a adus, in noaptea fara glas
Privirea-i minunata pierduta intr-un ceas.
Iar focul s-a aprins in ochii-i fulgerati
Iar noaptea ne-a lasat, de toti sa fim uitati...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Povestea mea de vara a inceput cu'n dans
Pe-un ritm si fara sunet si cu un mic suspans
Un loc uitat de lume dar totusi luminat
M-a luat in pasi de dans, totul a fost uitat...
Moment furat din filme,de-un romantism etern.
Subtil mi-aduc aminte de raiu-mi in infern...

Ceasul a stat in loc,iar el m-a luat in brate
Simteam cum sentimentul se leaga-n doua ate
Eram copii naivi legati de-un timp al noptii
Eram in lumea noastra lipsita de conceptii...
In brate-i tremuram si sincer ma privea
El imi zambea frumos dar totusi parc'avea
O teama de refuz dar totusi astepta
Momentul oportun, sa pot eu accepta...
Mi-a luat palma in mana-i si fara sa vorbim
In cativa pasi de dans ca sa ne-ademenim...
O clipa minunata, furata dintr-un vis
A fost de-ajuns in noapte, sa nu cad in abis...
Ne priveam nedumeriti cu ochi intrebatori
Si ma gandeam ca poate, noi suntem doar datori
Sa invatam ce inseamna sa nu fim doar actori...
Si-atunci purtati de val noi ne-am imbratisat
Timid il tot priveam si-atunci m-a sarutat 

Monday, 4 June 2012

Remember this!

I guess I finally found my words
I can express my thoughts.
It's been too long and no one knows
I am no longer lost.

Once I met a simple man, a childish way of being
A strong mind,big dreams and different way of seeing
He somehow changed my principles and made me feel more confident
And when we were together, everything was different...
The love we shared was something indescribable
I never wanted him to believe that I venerated him
My big mistake which troubled me was something recognizable
I loved him more than words can say, for him this sounds a bit grim.

"Dear one, if this break up was meant to be, I want you to remember me
I never venerated you, I simply loved you truly
Both of us made some mistakes, some of them unruly...
Maybe we just can't be friends because of what we shared
Because of our foolish self-pride we separated roads
And this stressful time got us weak and scared.
If you will ever read this, remember what I said
No matter who you'll be, you'll have that special place
If this was meant to be, for my mistakes I paid
I have no doubt, no matter what won't forget my face!"

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Fire subtiri

Oh viata, scurta viata, mereu te tot subtii
Imi trece tineretea dar totusi ma sustii.
In critice momente simti ca te scufunzi
Decizii nedorite in soapte le ascunzi...

Ma uit totusi in urma, nici urma de regrete
Durerea nu se curma pe aripi de secrete...
Haotic ochii plang si vor doar alinare
Din partea celui care, le-au provocat uitare.
Macar o data, Doamne, sa-mi sting dorul nespus
Sa uit pentru o clipa de viata-mi, la apus...
Din pura ratiune s-a stins totul sub ceas
Iar inima se'neaca-n nisipul fara glas...

Oh viata, scurta viata,un simplu fir de ata
Misterul mi-a luat locul si totul e in ceata...

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Did I ever tell you ?

The truth is beyond my thoughts, and now I feel alright
But did I ever tell you, I'm better to have known you ?
That shadow of a doubt had turned to sand one night!
And I will keep my memories. You know I truly loved you...

Each moment meant the most, I think you understand...
But did I ever give you the strength you've given me?
Sometimes life seems to get in the way, and that is pretty sad
Harsh days were lost in time but now I really see...

No matter what I'll try you'll be inside my heart
But did I ever tell you  I'm proud of who you are?
I just forget to say what I mean, this is the senseless part.
It feels like you're not here but still you're not that far...

I want to sit down and write for you a heartfelt poem
I want to shout it out in a silent crowd
Our eyes forgot their colour, but their love had grown.
For once in my life I want to scream out loud ...

I know there is no chance, I'm used with the idea
But I will always love you no matter who I'll be
And still there is a question that strikes my big dilemma.
Something that ripped my mind, something I cannot see

It's hard to fight these feelings when It feels so hard to breathe
I just don't want to see another face, another kiss to blow
But did I ever tell you I still want to believe?
I'll wait no matter what ...and you already know

Maybe you'll take the second chance, just open up your heart
Or maybe I am wrong with all my reckless hope
There's something in the wind which told me from the start
To never give up my belief, to hold tight to the "rope"...

Everything is shadowed now, but my love for you is strong
I know your answer's not the same, but life is really crazy
I miss your eyes and smile, I think it's been too long
I'm scared of what I'm saying and everything is hazy.......

But did I ever tell you I love you... this way?

Friday, 10 February 2012

Between the bars

Irrelevant emotion behind a cloudy whisper
Keep bouncing in my mind with my entire heart.
Confusing as it seems, this is my weirdest winter
And I keep walking darling, to find another start...

Imprisoned in my soul,between the bars I see
My future and my past...I don't know where I'll be!
I want to understand the true meaning of life,
To free myself again, to throw another dice.

Between the bars I see,what I've been looking for
In the winding down hours, to find an opened door.
Between the bars I'll be, until I'll find my way
And I think soon enough I'll have something to say.

Sunday, 29 January 2012


 I used to say "I'm happy"...I used to say "I'm strong"
A moment lost in dust is all I know right now.
Maybe I lost my hope or maybe I was wrong
The pain inside my soul is all I want to blow...
I wish I could create a fake feeling of love
My tears are all I have to bury all my sorrow
I don't know why my trust is shining like a dove
My heart is bleeding slowly because there's still an arrow.

Monday, 2 January 2012


As vrea sa pot sa-ti scriu ceva, dar pana-mi tremura cantand,
Hartia sufera in chin, cand sterg si tai cuvinte,
Gandul meu intrebator priveste-n larg razand
Suspina greu si suflul meu si dorul pentru tine...
Inima imi bate greu. In lipsa ta e-o piatra,
Ce cade imediat in gol si e pustie-n ceata.

Noaptea se contopeste-n zi,iar timpul se opreste
Si ziua se ascunde-n noapte cand eu privesc in gol...
In intuneric pustiit privirea-ti imi lipseste
Si adorm pe-o creanga de maslin furata de un idol
Ce-n agitate ganduri imi sfredeleste visul
Iar eu fara putere imi incetez si scrisul.